Snake Safety For Kids

It’s Spring time which means it’s snake season! We are extra vigilant in Spring time and we teach the children who attend our programs to be on alert as well. If the thought of snakes sends a shiver up your spine, then this blog post is for you. Keep reading to find out about the WildPlay Co approach to snake safety as well as our top tips for managing your fears.

Spring time means snake time

We keep hearing that snakes are more prevalent in the Spring time but do you know why? Snakes are cold blooded creatures which means that they rely on external things to maintain their body temperature. Unlike Winter, when snakes become dormant to conserve their energy, Spring time see snakes enjoying the warmth of the sun by resting on heated surfaces such as asphalt, concrete and rocks or sheltering under objects such as metal roofs. Seeking the sunshine is one reason that you see more snakes in Spring time, but they are also less cautious in Spring as they focus on finding food to replenish their energy after a long Winter hibernation and breeding season.

The WildPlay Co approach

Our aim is for the children who attend our programs to have a healthy level of respect for snakes and the knowledge and skills to prepare for a possible snake sighting. This begins with prevention so we empower the children with a ‘tool box’ of tools to use to reduce the likelihood of a snake encounter. The ‘snake stomp’ is something we teach, particularly on our bush walks, which involves the children stomping loudly on the ground to cause vibrations. We also use the ‘snake tap’ where we tap a stick on the ground in front of us as we walk. Not only does this cause a vibration on the ground but it provides an alternative object for a snake to strike should we come upon one unexpectedly.

What to do if your child sees a snake

The most important thing to teach your child is not to panic which means that you may need to do some work on managing your fears to model this for your child. If you display fear or negativity, your child will react the same way. Education is key here. By learning about the role that snakes play as predators, prey and eco-system engineers you will learn to appreciate them and not fear them.


At WildPlay Co, we teach the children who attend our programs to ‘FREEZE’ when they see a snake which is often the opposite of what their parent have taught them to do! When we freeze, a snake will not see us as a threat and instead will slither away. We teach them to freeze on the spot and cross their arms over their chest and yell out ‘SNAKE’. This helps the children to remain still and prevent them from waiving their arms around. A Playworker will then come over to assess the situation and let the child know who has seen the snake when it is safe to retreat away. We practice this skill regularly in our bush kindy sessions to ensure the children feel comfortable, prepared and familiar with the protocol.

Learn about snakes together

There are lots of ways to celebrate snakes. Here are some ideas to get you started;

  • Discover the intriguing qualities of snakes. Did you know that to avoid predators, some snakes can poo whenever they want. They make themselves dirty and smelly so that predators will leave them alone!

  • Discuss the difference between a dangerous and a venomous snake. Not all venomous snakes are dangerous and not all dangerous snakes are venomous. Some snakes possess venom whereas some are constrictors.

  • Read books about snakes. There are many wonderful books that celebrate snakes which help your child to see them as a part of nature and something that we need to protect rather than something to be scared of.

There you have it - our quick guide to snake safety for kids. We hope this helps you feel a little more prepared for snake season this Spring. With a bit of education and preparation, we can keep ourselves safe and still appreciate the beauty of these fascinating creatures.

If you’re curious about how we talk to kids about snake safety, come and join us at a WildPlay Co program. For more information, check out our range of programs on our bookings page and connect with us on our socials @thewildplayco


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